America's War: A Forgotten Promise

America's War: A Forgotten Promise
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Friday, February 15, 2013

Dating Tips

Tips For Single Men

Do you spend 2\14 alone? Don't worry 60% of all single people do. For you single men, having a hard time getting a date. Here's five basic tips that can help you step your game up.

1: Don't try to hard, and present yourself correctly.

One of the major problems with men, is we are naturally immature. We don't compliment single women correctly, we chase them to loudly, and we don't connect with them. What do women like to do the most? They love to shop, and believe it or not; most women shop for their men. Literally speaking, they shop you, not for you. So since they're shopping on what man they want. Be yourself and stand there in front of the lady you want.

Make eye contact, send flirting signals, do things that will get her attention, but not put her on blast for the whole world to see. Make her smile, if she smiles; you're now in her memory and she is now going to shop. So while she is now shopping; make sure your gear or what you're wearing is in Season. And I mean shopping season for women, not weather seasons. If its spring time wearing light clothing, and showing some manly chest helps. Most women don't want baggy jeans or sports wear in the spring. If its winter, make sure you have your Barack Obama Coat on, and present yourself.

2: Just Stand there and let her come after you.

Right from the start in the first ten minutes of a female meeting you, she will know immediately if your in her shopping zone. If you're not in her shopping zone, don't worry you'll get there, some females want to see everything before they pick up and try something on the rack. So keep working on tip number 1 if you're not in her shopping zone--but be careful you don't want to stalk her.

And avoid staring at the chest, look anywhere but there. Women wear things because they want men to notice something. Like if her hair was done, or her nails and toes--better yet if she lost some pounds. You have to notice the new, even if you never seen the chick before. And if you're to busy staring at her chest, you will never notice the new, and you will be out of her shopping zone. It doesn't matter how good you look when you're out of the females' shopping zone, they'll just think you're a pig. So stay in the shopping; will increase your chances for a date.

3: Compliment Her

Most women want to be complimented on how their looking. So giving the right compliment, will score you points. Example, If she's wearing Skinny Jeans, and she has a noticeable backside: Never say outloud that she has a nice back side. There are ways to compliment her without insulting her. Start a conversation with her, talk about what's in season--even if you don't know. Then work you're way into saying: "Those Jeans fit you well." She will say thank you, and use you as a mirror. Easiest way to check the girl out without staring, and insulting her, and 9 out of 10 times, she will chase after you.

Why, you checked her out without insulting her, Now she's checking you out. Once she starts checking you out, go right back to tip one -- then two and three.  Most women are smart, and will say; "Are you trying to check me out?" Don't lie, tell her the truth; but immediately compliment something else, like her shoes, or feet. And if that don't work; go up the chain and compliment everything. Why, she is giving you full permission to undress her with your eyes. Even though you lost, you won because you got what you wanted, and she got what she wanted. Now would be the time to slip in a date request.

4: Make Date Request about You.

Men fail on how they make date request because we think we're God's gift to women. Yet, we're not. So once you have her full attention, and you've checked her out, without insulting her -- you're one step away from a date. Never ask to bring her to a public place, when you met her in a public place; stay away from Star Bucks and other coffee shops, once you made that connection. Instead invite her to a pool hall, a walk on a water front, or ice cream somewhere.

Believe it or not, most girls like it when a man makes them feel like a young girl going on her first date ever. So you got to make her imagine her first date. And while you're asking her for a date, and she happens to say why: you should always reference the date to you. "I don't know I just need a date, and I just want to feed you." Or I just like casual dating to take my mind off the world, and I can use your companionship and advice. If she says yes: you've got a date, and you will owe TheFanNJ $100 for that advice. If she says no, start your process right back at one.  But remember to pay TheFanNJ.

5: Starting the process over, even when its over.

You may think the process is over but its not. Women don't think like men, they say no out of impulse. They wanted to say yes, but don't want to come off as to easy. You have to make them feel special about dating you. So, when she says no-- you say "Thanks all I can do is try." Women like that when you're open to how you feel about them, so by saying thank you, after a rejection tells the female you like them. And once you've been rejected continue back to tip number one. Why, you're still in her shopping zone. A rejection isn't the end, its a change in season; women like to shop, so let the girl you want: Shop You.


Now that I've exposed my secret -- many of the females I know will change their ways on me. If there are less single women, then there are less single women for me to date.


If you go out on that date try not to sleep with her. Let her try and sleep with you, never make her feel like she is being chased, rather than showing her how to chase You. These tips work, since I'm not only the author -- I'm also a client.

TheFanNJ has a PHD in Education, he has spent 15 years studying American Dating habbits, and he's only 33 at the end of 2012. These tips may and may not work, but if it has been working for 15 years for TheFanNJ -- then you need to keep practicing. 

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The Black Knight: St. Valentine's Day

The Black Knight
On St. Valentine's Day

Quickly ranting in a silent swirling pitch black 4 by 12 covenant. Then a swirling shadow emerged to the right of my left shoulder. Coming closer, spin radically --whistling made their appearance to enchanting on baring. The bright, but gleaming glare stretch as far as the eyes can behold. Scarcely blowing back horse whips, or chariots of horses plowing through the heated sand in the mist of a midnight glare. A streamline of dust clouds mounted the dark skies, covering the moonlight from far above, which abandon the warning signs of mischief that questions starts above.

While feeling the cool mist, and freezing rain drops from steam streaming out of nowhere. Questions of reality strikes the teary mind of a few, as the herds settle, the dust meddles, and the stars return. You can now here chatter, music -- and the sounds of adultery and mischief among the mysterious noise. As the darkness now has light from a camp fire, and men baring nude with women of children. And the sounds of whip against flesh heard nearby, with the smell of blood from their broken bodies.

The crew and their carriers, spoke:

"Sir, what horrible covenant must this be, where men bed children women, and enslave children men."

Finally after years of silence the leader of this rebellion finally speaks, on this mounting day; after witnessing this horrible feat.

"Those aren't men, their thieves and for far to long we've heard stories about pilgrims, stealing children, creating a  Monterey, while sending the pregnant; child baring youth back to their villages."

The leader of this army spoke louder.

"Men, this is the fight, you have been preparing for-- this is Sir Lancelot."

Noises of men screaming and chanting with a thunderous roar. As the captain spoke once more.

"Remember this day, fight with passion, since this will be the end of our children's carnage. Kill only men of adult age, spear women, and free our people from bondage. March on victory is ours, forward."

As the army march forward, the men took arms, and vowed to protect their covenant. A man, struck a solider, as war begun, children women ran for safety -- while enslaved youth broke chains freeing them from bondage. Where they scattered next to the women, watching soldiers kill men, who were thieves. When the fighting was over one child spoke to the leader of this army?

"We have been here since 8 dawns, and 7 falls of the sun, or sisters have been raped, as we mind the fields. Who are you?"

The leader of this army spoke once more.

"I'm the legend that kings fear, the freedom men tear for, and a knight that can't be beat. My return will mount your defeat since I'm the Black Knight."

More on this story latter to come.....

Author's note:

When Omar Dyer created the pen-name TheFanNJ, what made TheFanNJ famous was his short stories about The Black Knight. The Black Knight is a morh, who was born from a princess of one kingdom and a First Knight turn slave of another kingdom. He grew up in Bondage, and stroke his revenge on his grand fathers -- since he wasn't the same as them, his pigment was different.  Omar Dyer vowed to tell his creation of The Black Knight, and maybe in generations next, you'll know about one kings' Black First Knight.